Actually, the value of English returns to its usage over the entire world rather than the variety of its speakers. In other words, it is international and worldwide in its significance and importance such as, in international field, diplomacy, economy and agreements, global air travel, higher studies, research, peace negotiation, affairs of international cooperation around the world. It is a shared language of individuals throughout the world today. The current study aim to investigate vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) employed by secondary students at Saudi School Malaysia (SSM). Therefore, this study is conducted on cognitive theory of learning studies, the mental processes involved in the learning process. Moreover, this study conducted an analysis of studies dedicated to vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) through secondary students at Saudi school in Malaysia based on previous research problems of models and theories. In addition, this study applied quantitative approach, and the questionnaire was conducted using 58 students. The results of this study revealed the percentage and frequency have further underscored this role and the significance of vocabulary learning in both students and teachers. Also, the results show that students at (SSM) have employed the five categories of VLSs at a medium level and almost at a close range.
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