International Education and Research Journal

World Wide Most Trusted Research Publication Platform Since 2015

International Indexed Journal | Peer-Reviewed Journal | Multi-Disciplinary Refereed Research Journal

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal

E-ISSN : 2454-9916

Impact Factor Journal : 8.073(SJIF)

Journal DOI : 10.21276/2454-9916

Index Copernicus Value : 71.60

Google Scholar : h10-Index: 109

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    Corresponding Author will be Honoured by Memento and Certificate

  • ISSN and Impact Factor Value

    International Education and Research Journal having E-ISSN: 2454-9916 and Impact Factor Value: 8.073 (SJIF).

  • Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal

    IERJ is Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal List, now as per revised norms, authors may publish in any Peer-Reviewed journal which is Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal list. For more details Click Me

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    Recently IERJ have Indexed in "Scientific Journal Impact Factor, Computer Science Directory, Google Plus, Bing, More Indexing

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International Education and Research Journal (IERJ) accepts research works from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and corporate in their respective expertise of studies. IERJ is Peer-Reviewed Journal which is Equivalent to UGC Approved Journals

It is providing free online access to high-quality research and helping leading academics to make their work visible and accessible to diverse new audiences around the world. As well it is an online, double reviewed, multi-disciplinary refereed research journal which is published every 15th day of the month. It is a platform for students, researchers, academicians to share knowledge in the form of high quality research work in all subjects viz, Accounting, Advertising, Agriculture, Applied Physics, Applied Science, Architecture, Arts, Astronomy, Ayurveda, Biology, Bio-Medical, Biotechnology, Botany, Business Management, Criminology, Chemistry, Commerce, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Corporate Governance, Earth Science, E-commerce, Economics, Education,Engineering, Environmental Science, Finance, Food Science, Fisheries, Fuels Science, Geography, Health Science, Human science, History, Human Resources Management, Humanities, Homeopathy, Information Technology, International Business, Journalism, Law, Language, Library Science, Life Science, Literature, Logistics, Management, Microbiology, Marine Science, Marketing, Mathematics, Media Studies, Medical Science, Music, Nanotechnology, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sports Science, Sociology, Space Science, Statistics, Urban Studies, Veterinary Science, Zoology, etc.

IERJ has a wide network of very good academicians and researchers. Its review process is very strict and the papers not fulfilling the criteria are outright rejected. Referees are constantly working hard to maintain the standards of Journal.

Globally a large number of journals are present but we are keeping our promise to strictly adhere to the norms framed and so are vigilant in this process.

Call For Paper - Volume 10, Issue - 11, November - 2024

Publication Date 13th November, 2024
Online Submission Upload Your Manuscript
Last Date for Submission* 28th November, 2024
Last Date for Fees Submission* 29th November, 2024

The authors need to submit the articles only in simple MS Word file as well you must need to follow our Author Guidelines. Do not pay the Processing Fees unless you receive an Acceptance Email.

* Last Date for Payment and Submission can be changed anytime by the decision of Editor-In-Chief. Journal isn't bound for any change in dates. Publication of manuscript and Issue selection is decision of Editor-In-Chief.


  • IERJ Peer-Reviewed Journal which is Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
  • IERJ is an open access journal, which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the IERJ website.
  • MOST VIEWED ARTICLE WILL BE AWARDED EVERY MONTH & BEST AUTHOR WILL BE AWARDED EVERY YEAR (Corresponding Author will be Honoured by Memento and Certificate)
  • The corresponding author will received A Hard Copy of the Journal and Certificates on behalf of all the Authors, which is included in Publication Fees for Print Publication.
  • A lot of our journals receive a large number of papers, but unlike many traditional printed journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. Our journals are all published online and therefore we have no physical restrictions on the number or size of the papers that we can publish.
  • The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. We have one of the fastest turnaround times of any publisher in the world. Generally peer review is complete within 2-3 weeks and the editor's decision within 24 hours of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 4 weeks for a final decision.
  • The advantages of being an open access, online only publisher are numerous, but in essence allow us a greater flexibility and responsiveness to authors and readers that older journals cannot match. We often receive feedback from authors amazed at how prompt, professional yet friendly all their communication was with us, throughout the publishing process.
  • We respond within 24 hours for any query or submission at IERJ.

"Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliché, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression"
says Robert McKee, a famous creative writing instructor


  • October Issue Released

    Now you can access October Issue. We are thankful to authors for supporting our efforts in the Area of Research... Visit Current Issue

  • Correction in Galley Copy

    Correction deadline for October Issue is closed now, we will not be able to do any corrections in your published manuscript of October Issue.

  • Call For Papers

    IERJ invites High Quality, Fresh, Unpublished Research Papers/Articles for 15th November, 2024 Issue.
    Last Submission Date is 28th November, 2024

  • Award by KGMP

    Corresponding Author will be Honoured by Memento and Certificate

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