
  • Sr.Mary Jansi Assistant Professor Department of Physical Sciences Holy Cross College of Education Fort Station Road
  • Dr. S. Anbazhagan Associate Professor Department of Lifelong Learning Khajamalai Campus Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli


Personality traits, NCC Cadets, Performance


Personality traits in candidates of National Cadet Corps are central issues in research in the emerging leadership prominent society. However, the current literature offers little guidance on the relationship between personality traits and performance in National Cadet Corps Personnel and how they work together to improve their performance. This study investigates the influence of Five-Factor traits and performance of national cadet corps personnel. The paper concludes with educational implications, limitations and future research propositions.


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How to Cite

Sr.Mary Jansi, & Dr. S. Anbazhagan. (2017). ON CREATING A BOND: THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF NCC CADETS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/998