Attitude, Educational Administration, Primary, SecondaryAbstract
Administration has to do with getting things done with the accomplishment of defined objectives. In prehistoric times it has been diseased that human being come together for one activity or the other. Such activities became useful and achieved some level of success due to spirit of group work. The main objective of the present study is to find out whether there exist significant difference between the primary and secondary school teachers with regard to their attitude towards educational administration. The sample of the study consisted of 100 teachers (50 primary and 50 secondary), selected randomly from five senior secondary schools situated in district Sonipat, Haryana. 'Attitude towards Educational Administration’ developed by Dr. T.R Sharma is used for measuring primary and secondary teachers’ attitude towards educational administration. The data so collected was analyzed statistically by employing mean, SD and t-test. The results of the present study showed that their exist significant difference among primary and secondary school teachers with regard to attitude towards the educational administration.
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