Digital, Online, IT, Marketing, Strategy, Boom in Digitization, Eco, Digital Eco, Environment, Sustainability, Online revolution, growthAbstract
Digital Eco Marketing has emerged as a important concept in India as in other parts of the developing and developed countries. It is a new revolution in India in late 1990’s .There is a radical change in consumer preferences and life styles. There has been a change in consumer attitudes towards a Digital Eco lifestyle. The companies are actively trying to increase their impact on the environment. Due to this shift from traditional marketing to Digital Eco marketing, companies these days are facing many new challenges. Organizations and business however have seen this change in consumer attitudes and are trying to gain an edge in the competitive market by exploiting the potential in the Digital Eco market industry. This conceptual study discusses the initiatives of few selected corporate towards Digital Eco marketing in India and abroad also. Though their initiatives are different but the goals are similar and the initiatives have resulted in competitive advantage for these organizations. This paper describes the various initiatives introduced by selected companies for promoting Digital Eco marketing-revolution.
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