
  • Nikhil Gadekar BE[Computer], GSMoze College of Engineering, Pune-411045
  • Dhiraj Jadhav BE[Computer], GSMoze College of Engineering, Pune-411045
  • Srinivas D Professor, GSMoze College of Engineering, Pune-411045.


Information Retrieval Tree, Keyword Search, Spatial Inverted Index


There are many modern applications that used to find out objects satisfying both spatial predicate and a predicate on their associated texts. In this paper, for finding nearest hotel a simple solution is introduced which based on IR2 (Information Retrieval R-Tree) tree. IR2 tree includes few deficiencies that affect its efficiency. To increase the efficiency a new method called spatial inverted index is introduced ‘SI Index’ extends the standard inverted index to address multidimensional information. This new SI index method comes with algorithms which will answer nearest neighbor queries with keywords in real time.


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How to Cite

Nikhil Gadekar, Dhiraj Jadhav, & Srinivas D. (2016). FAST NEAREST NEIGHBOR SEARCH WITH KEYWORDS USING ANDROID. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 2(1). Retrieved from