
  • Santoshi Kumari Department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu-180006, (J&K), India
  • V.K.Shivgotra Department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu-180006, (J&K), India
  • Pawan Kumar Department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu-180006, (J&K), India


IQ, Nutritional, educational status, socio economic status, BMI, school children


Background: The focus of our study is to estimate the risk factors which influence the IQ level of school going children.

Method: A cross sectional study in which we explored the IQ of school going children in the age group (11-17) and analyzes the factors associated with malnutrition, education and socio economic status with the help of designed questionnaire and anthropometric measurement from April 2015-March 2016 in Urban and rural blocks of Jammu division and develop Ordinal logistic regression model. Intelligence Quotient Score by Dr. P. Shrinivasan verbal intelligence test collected in pre-designed questionnaire in the class room without the  presence of school administration so that student feel free in the class room to fill the information given in the  questionnaire  explained by the researcher.

Result: Out of 880 children screened, nearly (43) 4.9 % students were superior, (282) 32% students were average student, and (376) 42.7% were borderline and (179) 20.3% were feeble minded. Superior incidence of intelligence is found among the highest SES class i.e. 6(10%) and feeble minded were found among the poor class i.e. 32(21.2%). The logistic regression for school going children shows that the normal weight children has no significant affect on feeble minded children which means normal weight children has adequate IQ level., The odd ratio of SES i.e. 2.24 which is greater than odd ratio of BMI (Nutrition) i.e. 0.88 which indicates that the IQ has been affected more due to SES than BMI (Nutrition) status of children. Thus the IQ status of school going children is associated with nutritional, socio economic status, education status of mother, age group of children is positively correlated to the nutritional, educational, and socio economic status of their parents.

Conclusion: Bearing in mind the status of IQ among the school going children and burden of malnutrition among school children there is need for periodic screening, awareness at school and parent counselling.


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