WSN network, delay, normalized packet loss, normalized queue sized, congestion level, Epsilon constraint, Adaptive Cuckoo Search, Sending rateAbstract
Congestion control is one of the most important challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The several scheme and techniques have been developed for improving performance in Wireless Network. Congestion has significant impact on network performance, Quality of Services (QoS) result in waste of energy of sensor nodes. To overcome this congestion issue, the paper proposed the optimized algorithm to detect and control the congestion in WSNs. The proposed approach formulated the fitness function with the aid of Epsilon parameter. The main idea is to detect the occurrence of congestion by incoming packets of sensor nodes. Once the congestion level is determined by virtual queue length it verifies congestion status. Occurrence of congestion fed into proposed optimized algorithm. The proposed approach is simple to implement as congestion occurs, it generate new solution by adjusting step size adaptively. With the aid of Epsilon parameter fitness function is formulated to find out optimal value. Finally proposed algorithm generates new fitness function to obtain the best solution where congestion free data transmitted in the network. The performance and result of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the parameters such as delay, normalized packet loss, normalized queue sized. The result shows that proposed algorithm attains minimum delay, minimum normalized packet loss and minimum queue sized to enhance the transmission efficiency.
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