
  • M. Bimolchandra Singh Research Scholar, Dept. of Journalism and Creative Writing, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
  • Dr. N. Premjit Singh Correspondent, Jiri News Network, Jiribam, Manipur and Initiated Discipline, ISKCON
  • Dr. M.Rabindranath Associate Professor, Head, Dept. of Journalism and Creative Writing, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh


Community radio, Diversity, Healthy, Health awareness and Health communication


This paper critically analyzes the significant need of community radio for effective health communication in Manipur. Community Radio (CR) plays a vibrant role in preserving communities alive. It is a very powerful tool in mobilizing community action by informing and empowering the community people. It gives voice to the marginalized sections of the society by facilitating people with opportunities to express their needs to local government and even the national government. Radio, which is easily accessible even in the remotest area and can reach people of every walk of life, may be used as an effective tool for effective health communication in Manipur where accessibility of healthcare services is rather difficult as majority of the government health care centres are not properly functioning due to lack of manpower or infrastructure; and proper facilities of transportation and communication. Manipur, even though small state it is, is the land of diverse cultures and multiples dialects. Hence, community radio, which is perfectly need-base of the community following its culture and dialect, can be effectively used to deliver health information to masses thereby increasing health awareness of the public. For this study, both primary (interviews) and secondary data are used.


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How to Cite

M. Bimolchandra Singh, Dr. N. Premjit Singh, & Dr. M.Rabindranath. (2017). COMMUNITY RADIO FOR EFFECTIVE HEALTH COMMUNICATION IN MANIPUR. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from