
  • Dr.D.Rathi Assistant Professor of Economics, St.Mary’s College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi, 628001


Banking performance, total deposits, SHGs activities, loan distribution, recovery of loan, duration of loan, savings


In developed countries, banking system plays prominent role in the formal financial system and serves most of the population but in developing countries, mainly the low-income group, which is a large segment of the society, excludes from banking services, as a result, poor people have to depend either on their own sources or informal sources of finance at high cost. In India, the SHGs constitute a widely accepted development strategy for poverty reduction as they are perceived as powerful vehicle for the promotion of micro-credit and micro-finance especially for women. The SHG model was introduced as a core strategy for empowerment of women in the Ninth Plan (1997-2002) in India (Planning Commission), 2002. It is the largest and fastest-growing micro-finance programme in the developing world. Hence, the present study is undertaken to analyses the SHGs activities with Tuticorin Melur Co-operative Bank Ltd. in Thoothukudi from 2011-12 to 2015-16.  This study analyses the phases of deposits bank deposits, pattern of providing loans to SHGs, loan recovery activities, savings of SHG. Trend lines are used for both the bank deposits and the loan distribution to SHGS. Both trend lines are increasing is the positive result for this present study. The questionnaire is made up of both closed and open-ended questions is to get the fullest true picture on which there is no predetermined idea. The details of the bank and Self Hel Groups activities were collected from the higher officials of the bank.  This study stated that there exists a good relationship with banks and the repayment of loans is also done effectively. SHGs members are satisfied with services by cooperative banks, and overall performance of cooperative banks is good. 95% of the SHGs were repaying their loans amount correctly to the bank. SHG (Self Help Groups) movement has brought a silent revolution in the country.


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How to Cite

Dr.D.Rathi. (2017). AN ANALYSIS OF WOMEN SELF HELP GROUPS LINKAGES WITH BANK . International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from