Teacher, Education, Higher Education, Quality TeachingAbstract
Education around the world has gone through a great pressure to teach the 21st century digitalized brilliant learners. The challenge before our educational system is how to transform the curriculum, shift a teaching-learning process to enable the students to acquire the 21st century skills and function actively in the modern society. The teaching profession is becoming more and more complex day–by-day. Teaching in higher education is not merely knowledge transformation; it requires higher order cognition skills. Effective Quality teachers need to be strong in the content to be taught as well as their way of presenting the content skilfully based on the needs of students. With the support of technology skilled educator’s use of technology in promoting constructivism pedagogy make the learners to acquire the competent skills, effective learning environment and improve lifelong learning skills and produce ICT literate citizens. In this paper an attempt has been made to show the need of training teacher to adopt innovative technology in their class room, need of technology integration in preparation stage of teacher programme and its benefits to solve the demands of students and society are discussed.
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