
  • Bhavik Patel M.Tech in Structural Engineerig in Parul Institutes of technology, Waghodia, Gujarat, India.
  • Hemal J Shah Asst.Proffesr in Applied Mechanics Department in GEC, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.
  • Tejal Patil Asst. Proffesor in Structural Engineering in Parul Institutes of Technology, Waghodia, Gujarat, India.


Soil-structure interaction, Time history, Response of structure, Base shear, SAP2000


Influence of underlying soil on the seismic response of multi-story buildings can be neglected in case of stiff and very stiff soil and structure can be analysed assuming fixed base condition. However the seismic response of structure changes when the underlying, soil condition are soft soil deposit. Earthquake characteristics, travel path, soil property and soil structure interaction are the chief factors affect the seismic response of the structure. This study intends to find the seismic response of multi-storey building considering soil structure interaction. The objective of this study is to compare the effect of soil structure interaction on flexible base and fix base foundations considering different types of soil. The literature review pertaining to this study has been carried out with respect to effect of soil structure interaction on building frame, footings, tall sky-pod structure, low rise buildings and reinforced concrete moment resisting building frames in terms of base shear, mode shape, displacement response, acceleration response and other influence factors.


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Hamid Tabatabaiefar, Behazad Fatahi And Bijan Samali (2013), “Seismic Behavior Of Building Frames Considering Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction”, International Journal Of Geomechanics (ASCE), Department Of Structural Engineering, University Of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Australia.

George Gazetas, Member, ASCE, “Formulas and charts for impedances of surface and embedded foundations.”

Hamid Reza Tabatabaiefar And Ali Massumi, (2010) “A Simplified Method To Determine Seismic Responses Of Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Building Frames Under Influence Of Soil–Structure Interaction”, Journal of Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering(Science Direct), Department Of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran.

IS: 1893-2002, "Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Design Of Structures (Fourth Revision) ", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.

Umal Chandekar And A. P. Khatri (2015), “Effect Of Soil Structure Interaction On Seismic Analysis Of Structure”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, Department Of Applied Mechanics VNIT, Nagpur.

Renu Raghuveeran And Hasifa Hassan P. (2015) “ Seismic Soil Structure Interaction Effect On RC Bare Frames Resting On Pile- Grid Foundation” ,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Department Of Civil Engineering, Saintgits Engineering College, Kottayam.

IS:1498- 1970, “Classification and Identification of Soil for General Engineering Purpose “Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.

IS: 456-2000, “Code of Practice Plain and Reinforced Concrete” , Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.

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How to Cite

Bhavik Patel, Hemal J Shah, & Tejal Patil. (2017). SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF MULTISTOREY RC BUILDINGS CONSIDERING THE SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from