Perini is a recent dance form. It was re-invented by Late Dr. Natraj Ramakrishna. It is a virile art form and it is popularly known as Pēriṇī Śiva Tānḍavam.Until recent times, no one have any idea about this virile dance form. As per the historical evidences it is believed that Pēriṇī dance form was prevalent in Kākatīya’s reign. Visually what we are seeing today, the dance form Perini it is the result of Prof. Natraja Ramakrishna’s relentless research work. He was the only person who gave a visual shape to the historical evidences.
Manjulatha, Avula. 2007. Perini Andhra Natyotsavalu – 2007. Pottisreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
Ramakrishna, Nataraja. 1987. Andhranatyam Perini-navajanardhanaParijatam.Perini International. Hyderabad.
Narayan RaoVelcheru and David shulmar. 2002. A lovers guide to warangal. Kridabhiramamu by Vinukondavallabharaya.Permanent black. Delhi.
SarvagnakumarYachanra, Velugoti.1949.Sabharanjani.VavillaRamaswamysastrulu and sons.Chennapuri.Machilipatnam.
Ananthakrishnasharma, Rallapalli. 2007. JayapavirachitaNrittaratnavali. Pottisreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
Apparao, P.S.R. NatyaSastramu.Hyderabad.
VasudevaSastri, K. 1998. Bharatarnava of Nandikeshwara.SaraswathiMahal Library. 74. Thanjavur.
Ramakrishna, Nataraja. 1984. Perini Siva Tandavam. Perini International, Hyderabad.
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