
  • Mr. Firoz Qureshi M.Sc Nursing, Teerthanker Mahaveer College Of Nursing, TMU, Moradabad U.P
  • Dr. Nageshwar. V. PG- Tutor, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, TMU Moradabad, U.P.


Tobacco, Adolescents


INTRODUCTION:- In 2004 World health organization, projected (58.8) million deaths globally, out of which (5.4) million were Tobacco - attributed; (4.9) million in 2007 whereas 70% of this in 2002 in developing countries like India only. GLOBAL YOUTH TOBACCO SURVEY (GYTS 2006) reported a prevalence of 13.7 % of tobacco user among school going youth of age group in between 13 to 15 yrs. whereas, in (GYTS 2009), the prevalence these consumptions were 14.6% among youths of 13–15 years. A recent survey conducted in LUCKNOW, by the Union Ministry of Health And Family Welfare, emphasized a 7% rise in the prevalence of male Tobacco use in Uttar Pradesh, on the basis of which health survey committee confirmed that 13% of the U.P population are smokers. METHODS: An electronic search of 50 published articles were started on PubMed, EBSCO, BMC Public Health, Sage journal. Out of which 38 articles were removed and 12 full text articles were selected on the bases of inclusive criteria of narrative review. RESULT: All these studies were successful in exploring adolescent’s awareness of substances and associated harm to health from their use of tobacco. “65% of all men use some different forms of tobacco 35% use tobacco by smoking, were 22% use tobacco by smokeless tobacco and 8% both. The age of participants ranged from 12 to 18 years old. Participants were school students. Most important factors seem to be peer influence, parental attitudes, easy access to tobacco and symptoms of dependence. CONCLUSION: Based on all these studies which included in this narrative review, the people who uses tobacco facing major challenges in their entire life. Hence, findings suggests that multifactorial prevention programs that address social norms, gender role, image religion, family, school and incorporated drug policy would be more effective and would have better protective outcomes.


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How to Cite

Mr. Firoz Qureshi, & Dr. Nageshwar. V. (2017). USE OF TOBACCO AMONG ADOLESCENT? A REVIEW BASED ON AVAILABLE LITERATURE. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(5). Retrieved from