Knowledge, Practices, postnatal diet, postnatal mothers, food habit, puerperal periodAbstract
INTRODUCTION: - Now a days after birth of the baby during postnatal period mothers are faced many problems regarding health, infections, nutritious value in diet some women’s are belong to low socioeconomic status and mostly those belongs rural they are not know what is important of postnatal diet and benefits.This review aims about explaining dietary pattern and its awareness. It also focuses upon the practices of the postnatal diet among puerperal mothersAccording to WHO the total energy needs during postpartum between 2,500 to 2700 k Cal a day for most women during the lactating period or puerperal period.It is a very important aspect of self-care about postnatal diet during puerperal periodMETHODS: Databases searched were PubMed, EBSCO & DELNET. The scholarly articles and reference list of primary articles were prepared. 5studies were undertaken for this narrative review, including 2 qualitative and 3 quantitative studies.
RESULT: All these studies were successful in Results shows that The review highlights the postnatal mothers do not have insufficient knowledge about their postnatal mothers and took the postnatal diet according to their traditional practices. Total 5studies, but 2 other studies, especially focused on cultural practices her own society and according own family members.
CONCLUSION: Postnatal period is a very crucial period of a mothers life because mothers don't care to himself, to her body and mind which is affected during pregnancy or after delivery till the 6 week of period. So, nurses should have a sense of responsibility to assess the knowledge andpractice of postnatal diet among postnatal mothers which admitted in postnatal words at least 3 days.
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