Family, Experiences of family members, Intensive Care UnitAbstract
This review gives the useful results to describe the experiences of family members regarding patients admitted in the ICU who have experienced highly stressful situation while doing interactions with the ICU staffs. The family member filled with the emotional distress while having critical illness of the patient and it is difficult for the family members to handle the situation who are emotionally sensitive and having difficulty in coping. The purpose of the study is to receive feedback about their patients’ progress or condition from the ICU staff. METHOD: The initial work out starts with the qualitative research review literature. A literature review was completed in which search done from Pub-med, EBSCO, DELNET etc. those were focusing from 2000-2016 in which around 30 published articles investigating the experiences of family members of ICU patients. From these articles, 10 articles are selected and narrative review was prepared. RESULT: The review identified that family members felt satisfied and relaxed when having supportive communication with ICU staff. Family members received reassurance from the ICU staffs and felt comfortable while getting information about their patients’ treatment and care. CONCLUSION: Family members value and respect the ICU staff and felt satisfied while having therapeutic interaction with the ICU staff but their feelings are at risk of emotional distress if they are not well supported by the ICU staffs.
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