
  • Khushboo Singh M.Sc. nursing final year, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, TMU, Moradabad, U.P.
  • Prof. Dr. N.V. Muninarayanappa Professor cum Principal ,Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, TMU Moradabad, U.P.,


Psychological distress, Staff Nurse, Night Shift duty, Qualitative Research


Nurses experience mental and psychological concerns and sleep related issues due to working in the nights shift. Nurses who could not adjust with shift work experienced fatigue, poor sleep quality and dangerous drives to home and family were seen. The night duty has probably positive and negative impact on a nurse’s physical and mental life. OBJECTIVE: To gain an understanding of the experiences of psychological distress among registered nurses working in the night shift, the impact on life outside of work, and ways of coping with home, family, and social stressors. METHOD : The inceptive work out starts with the qualitative research review literature. The qualitative studies are worthy or appropriate to analyze the presence and level of fatigue in nurses and the influence the nurses psychological distress due to shift work. A literature review was completed in which search done from Pub-med, EBSCO, DELNET, by using key words such as Psychological distress, Staff Nurse, Night Shift duty, Qualitative Research. The preferred period was from 2000-2016 in which around 30 published articles investigating the experiences of staff nurses those are working in night shifts. From these articles, 10 articles are selected which are included in the narrative review.. RESULT: Knowledge about the staff nurse’s family and social life outside of the workplace contributed by this review. Night shift does acquire negative health implications on nurses ranging from sleep deprivation, fatigue, back pain among others. CONCLUSION: Further recommendations, coping strategies, and adjustments to working situations in the night shift pinpointed by this review, that would aid in further testing. The main findings centered around sleep related concerns and issues.


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How to Cite

Khushboo Singh, & Prof. Dr. N.V. Muninarayanappa. (2017). PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AMONG STAFF NURSES WORKING IN NIGHT SHIFTS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(4). Retrieved from