Euphorbia hirtaleaves, methanolic extract, pharmacognostic studies and phytochemical analysisAbstract
Medicinal plants are oldest known health care products and their importance is still growing. Globally demand for swadesi herbal medicines has been rising due to their quality ingredients, availability factor and price competitiveness with virtually little side effects. Increasingly, swadesiherbs and medicines meet the WHO prescribed standards and norms and thus encounter no restrictions in overseas markets to have instant acceptability from its takers.Several studies are needed to be conducted to develop the phytochemical and pharmacognostic profile of plant medicine based on which its pharmacological screening of plant extracts can be designed to develop new plant medicines or lead molecules.Hence the objective of the present study was to assess thepharmacognostic parameters of Euphorbia hirta leaves to determine its quality andthen followed by assessing the organoleptic and phytochemical nature of the methanolic extracts of Euphorbia hirta leaves. The selected plant part was dried, powdered and subjected to maceration using methanol as solvent. The extract was dried for evaporation of solvent and then subjected to organoleptic and phytochemical studies.The results of pharmacognostic studies revealed the physicochemical parameters of Euphorbia hirta leaves. The phytochemical studies indicate that themethanolic extract showed presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids and steroids.
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