
  • Dr. Puspa Patra Lecturer in Education Udala College, Udala, Mayurbhanj, Odisha – 757041


social-conduct, complexes, intimacy, sex-starved youth, infantile-sex, cognizant


One of the biggest controversies regarding imparting sexual attitudes is – whether it should be in Indian classrooms. Government officials are still debating about the contents and placement of sexual education in schools and colleges. On the other, Indian students of teen aged, both male and female tend to not be informed about sexuality. This is most due to conservative Indian attitudes towards ‘sex’ – what Indian holds ‘kama’ as mostly-wrongly interpreted. Amidst the educated mass we find people of reasons: but how much of those have remembered that a reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct! Can we benefit from an educational system which creates citizens expected to confirm to what the priests, parents, teaching personnels as well as planners and designers of our time dictate? Is the current education system responsible for people whose thinking is rigid and who are frustrated and limited in their ability to handle effectively situations related to the body, mind and spirit?

With rapid growth of information when all information is available everywhere at any time, let the teachers and parents of this time need to instil correct concept with proper preconditions for sex education, so that the teen minds can think and work differently and are not afraid to voice opinions and ideas which are unheard of or made out to be classified as “Wrong” or “Incorrect”. It is because every society needs highly intelligent and regularly problem solving attitudes bearing teens and our teens are not less but possess more faith and power to remain in charge of the future generation. Let them make a change themselves so that improvement in society occur coherently.


I. Tripathi, N., & Sekher, T. V. (2013). Youth in India ready for sex education? Emerging evidence from national surveys. PLoS One, 8(8), e71584.

II. Abraham, L., & Kumar, K. A. (1999). Sexual experiences and their correlates among college students in Mumbai City, India. International Family Planning Perspectives, 139-152.

III. Morgan, J. H. (1987). From Freud to Frankl: Our modern search for personal meaning. Wyndham Hall Press.

IV. John, V. Hanson and Cole S. Brembeck, Education and the Development of Nations by (1971) Times of India Press, Bombay, pp. 121-155.

V. Brown, F.C., Principles of Educational Training.

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How to Cite

Dr. Puspa Patra. (2017). SEX-EDUCATION LEADS ADOLESCENTS TO BE SOCIALISED ADULTS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(3). Retrieved from