
  • Dr. Syed Hayath Basha Assistant Professor of Education Department of Education Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre Cherukara P.O., Perinthalmanna Dist. Malappuram, Kerala, India


Pedagogy, Learning Experiences, Diverse Learners, Children With Special Needs, Pedagogical Processes, Inclusive Classroom


The word Pedagogy means “To lead the Child”.  Pedagogy is “An Art and Science”. In other words pedagogy refers to best way of teaching to variety of children. The task of teaching includes basics principles of teaching, approaches, methods, techniques, strategies and skills of teaching. The real teaching happens when the teacher understands minds of the learners or students. He/she will engage the students as per their levels and understandings. He plays pivotal role in adopting appropriate methods and strategies in order to teach effective to school children. The school children comprises of diverse learning in their nature. The term diverse learners can be used for diverse learners include gifted children, street children, slow learners, tribal children, disadvantaged children, and children with special needs. It is very important to understand various learning needs of diverse children and impart free and quality education for them. There should not be any kind of discrimination with regard to their religion, region, caste, creed, color and ethnicity while imparting education and gaining learning experiences.

To impart quality education the teacher of the class should adopt various pedagogical processes. It includes selection criteria of teaching, classroom management, effective communication, use of assistive technologies, ways of teaching to children with disabilities, gifted children, slow learners and tribal children and understanding their learning needs and disabilities.

The paper discusses on the above aspects of pedagogical processes and learning experiences of the diverse learners. It will through a light with the help of current and past research findings.  Appropriate suggestions and measures will also be mentioned in the paper.


I. Agrawal, R. and Rao, BVLN (2010). Learning Disabilities: Teaching Learning Strategies. Shipra Publications. Delhi.

II. Gorham, J. and Christophel, D.M. (1990). The relationship of Teachers’ Use of Humour in the Classroom to immediacy and student learning. Communication Education, 39, 46-62.

III. Revanthi, A.S. (2015). Role of Teacher and Technology in Inclusive Education. A paper presented in a national seminar held on 9th and 10th October, 2015 in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh organized by Department of Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

IV. Swart et. al. (2002). Role of General Teacher in Integrated School. Disabilities and Impairements-An Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 24: Delhi Akash Publications. pp. 14.

V. Sewasew et al., (2015). A Comparitive Study on Power Point Presentation and Traditional Lecture Method in Material Understanding, effectiveness and Attitude. Educational Research Reviews-Academic Journals, January, 2015, Vol. 10 (2).

VI. Unnikrishnan, P. (2010). Inclusive Education in India-Challenges and Implications for Persons With Special Needs. Educational Quest: International Journal of Education and Applied Social Science. Vol.1.No.1. p.23: New Delhi Publishers.

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How to Cite

Dr. Syed Hayath Basha. (2017). PEDAGOGY AND LEARNING EXPERIENCE OF DIVERSE LEARNERS OF INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(3). Retrieved from