
  • T.Sudakaran M.Ed. Scholar, GRT College of Education, Tiruttani-631209. Tiruvallur District, Tamilnadu, India
  • P.Pachaiyappan Assistant Professor, GRT College of Education, Tiruttani-631209.Tiruvallur District, Tamilnadu, India


M-learning, Prospective Teachers, Attitude towards M-learning, B.Ed. Student Teachers, Mobile Technology, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Mobile Devices


 The main objective of the Study is to find out the level of Attitude towards M-learning among prospective teachers with respect to Gender, Locality, Academic Streams and Type of Management. Survey method was adopted to collect the relevant data for the present study. Attitude towards M-learning Scale (2016) developed and standardized by P.Pachaiyappan and it was used to collect data for the present study. The Researcher randomly selected 337 B.Ed. Student Teachers studying in Government, Government Aided and Private Colleges of Education in and around Chennai and Tiruvallur District of Tamilnadu. For analyzing the data percentage, mean, standard deviation,‘t’- test and one way ANOVA are used. The major findings of the study are: The most of the B.Ed. student teachers have moderate level of attitude towards m-learning. With regard to gender, the male B.Ed. student teachers have higher attitude towards M-learning compared to female student teachers. The urban College B.Ed. student teachers have higher attitude towards M-learning compared to rural college B.Ed. student teachers. The Science Stream B.Ed. student teachers have high attitude towards M-learning compared to Arts Stream B.Ed. student teachers. The study results also reveal that Government Aided College B.Ed. student teachers have higher attitude towards m-learning compared to their counterparts.


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How to Cite

T.Sudakaran, & P.Pachaiyappan. (2017). ATTITUDE TOWARDS M-LEARNING AMONG PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(3). Retrieved from