Computer Science, Pentaho, Jaspersoft, data integrationAbstract
In recent times, technology applications in Business Intelligence (BI) have been developed rapidly. BI is considered to be one of the hottest emerging technologies. BI consists of a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering and storing data to analyze and help enterprises make smarter business decisions and strategies for designing and planning. As opposed to this in the past, the Business Intelligence market was strictly dominated by closed source and commercial tools, but in recent times, some open source solutions have been made available. The BI market is exciting, continually innovating and growing to meet the ever-expanding requirements of businesses of all sizes and industries. This represents a vast competitive advantage; however, the choice of an appropriate open source BI suite is a challenge. An understanding of BI tool categories is needed so as to match your analytical need with the appropriate tools. The current study evaluates and compares the latest versions of the two main Open Source Business Intelligence suites: Jaspersoft and Pentaho.
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