GPS, AMS, Android Application, FingerprintAbstract
“Attendance System” is an attendance calculation system of an employee. The currently available finger print technology Attendance System has several drawbacks. Attendance system which currently exists still has weaknesses. The first one is about the long queue in front of the attendance machine at the time of coming to work and leaving from work. The second one is about cheating; employees can ask her/his friend to do attendance process. The third, mostly attendance system has not been connected with the payment system in human resources software or in the finance department. The forth disadvantage is related to Employees who work outside the office cannot do attendance process. An Attendance Monitoring System (AMS) based on and GPS using a smartphone integrated with payment system that will eliminate all the above problems mentioned. There will not be a queue for the attendance in front of attendance machine. Friends cannot put proxy attendance. For this proposed system we are predicting that all the smart phones will have fingerprint scanned in next three years.
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