Special education training programme, Self-learning material, open distance learningAbstract
Self-learning Materials (SLM) play a major role in the teaching-learning process at all levels of education and training. As often many of the learners pursuing teacher education programme in special education through open and distance mode of learning. The article sought the opinion of the learners on the preciseness of the study material catered to them. Preciseness as defined in this study is the comprehensibility of the material in use. Both academic and physical aspects of self-learning material have been studied. The academic aspects include selection, organization and presentation of content with an overview of language, pacing, illustration, exercise & assignments. Whereas physical aspects of self-learning materials include printing, lay-out & get-up, durability, and size. This particular section of the stake holders were chose to deep deal in learner friendliness of the material. The sampling was incidental-purposive and a descriptive survey method was used.
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