Reflective teaching, Reflective practices, reflection, reflective thinking, teaching and learning processesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the reflective teaching practices in the Bhutanese secondary schools. It particularly aimed to find if there exist differences between the groups of teachers with different levels of teaching experiences and gender in terms of the use of reflective teaching strategies in their teaching and learning processes.
The participants consisted of 69 teachers selected using the random sampling from seven Bhutanese secondary schools. The schools include 3 higher secondary and 4 middle secondary schools, geographically dispersed through the country. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire consisting of 25 statements and was analysed using the descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean and standard deviation in SPSS software version 22.
The findings of this study showed that gender and levels of teaching experience made a difference in the use of reflective strategies.
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