
  • Priyanka Dafare Research scholer, P.G.T.D., Rashtrsant tukdoji maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
  • Dr. R.G.Bhende Principle, Shiv-Vaibhav Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Wardha 4420011


Self-concept, Creativity, Rural Colleges, Values


All these three factors have prominent place for developing all-round, civilized student.  Self-concept refers to the totality of a complex, organized and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that each person hold to be true about his or her personal existence. Values are concepts that conserve life, that comfort life. That promote life and protect life. Creativity is newness. It requires something unique, something’s better, something’s new association or addition to the old form, to create some things which always moves toward perfection. It makes our life more comfortable, richer and beautiful. This study focus on comparison between the male and female student about the values, self-concepts as per its dimensions and creativity. This research was done on the basis of Descriptive method. The investigator preferred normative survey for study. The data was collected using questionnaire PVQ by Dr  Mrs. G.P. Sherry and Late prof. R.R. Verma, SCQ by R. K. Sarswat. TCW  by , Dr. Baquer Mehndi. It is evident that female students shows more religious value than male, while shows  no significance difference Hedonistic value, Power value and Family Prestige Value, Aesthetic Values, Social Values, Democratic Values, Knowledge Values, Economical Values and Health Values. Whereas When come to the self concept girl have more average self-concept in compare to boys but boys are rich physical self-concept and Social self-concept. When compare for the Temperamental self-concept, Educational self-concept and Moral self-concept study shows that there is no significance difference gender wise. However Female are noted more creative than male students.


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How to Cite

Priyanka Dafare, & Dr. R.G.Bhende. (2016). GENDER DIFFERENCE IN VALUES, SELF-CONCEPT AND CREATIVITY AMONG THE RURAL COLLEGE GOING STUDENT S. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 2(9). Retrieved from