
  • Ameen Ali Alhaznawi


Strategies, Disabilities, Peer-assisted learning, Instructions


Modern education requires that teachers educate ALL students using research-based strategies in inclusive classrooms. The following review offers a research-based guidance that explores on the different educational methods and curriculum that are designed to assist students with significant learning difficulties in learning mathematics, including students with disabilities. The paper provides technical assistance for teachers and instructors dealing with students with disabilities reflecting “best strategies” for implementing interventions to enhance educational practices in the process of teaching math. Some of the strategies for teaching students with disabilities that are reviewed in this paper include explicit and direct generative strategy training, reduction of math anxiety, adoption of general instructions, use of appropriate mathematical communication, multistep problem-solving strategy, schema instruction, and cognitive strategy instruction. In addition, peer-assisted learning is reviewed as a strategy that can be used to improve teaching among students with disabilities. This paper will review the various scholarly evidences on strategies that can be used to teach students with disabilities, with a view of identifying the most effective strategies in teaching math and how best they can be utilized.


I. Alter, P. (2012). Helping Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Solve Mathematics Word Problems. Preventing School Failure, 56, 55-64.

II. Calhoon, M. B., & Fuchs, L. S. (2003). The Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies and Curriculum-Based Measurement on the Mathematics Performance of Secondary Students with Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 24, 235-245.

III. Kiuhara, S. A., &Witzel, B. S. (2014). Focus on Inclusive Education: Math Literacy Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties. Childhood Education, 90, 234-238.

IV. Krawec, J., Huang, J., Montague, M., Kressler, B., & de Alba, A. M. (2012). The Effects of Cognitive Strategy Instruction on Knowledge of Math Problem-Solving Processes of Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 36, 80-92.

V. Kunsch, C. A., Jitendra, A. K., &Sood, S. (2007). The Effects of Peer-Mediated Instruction in Mathematics for Students with Learning Problems: A Research Synthesis. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 22, 1-12.

VI. Maccini, P., Mulcahy, C. A., & Wilson, M. G. (2007). A Follow-Up of Mathematics Interventions for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 22, 58-74.

VII. Swanson, H. L., Moran, A., Luisser, C., & Fung, W. (2014). The effect of Explicit and Direct Generative Strategy Training and Working Memory on Word Problem-Solving Accuracy in Children at Risk for Math Difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly, 32, 111-123.

VIII. Tsuei, M. (2014). Mathematics Synchronous Peer Tutoring System for Students with Learning Disabilities. Educational Technology & Society, 17, 115-127.

IX. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse. (2012). Students with Learning Disabilities intervention report: Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies. Retrieved November 23, 2914, from http://whatworks.ed.gov.

X. Wadlington, E., &Wadlington, P. L. (2008). Helping Students with Mathematical Disabilities to Succeed. Preventing School Failure, 53, 2-7.

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How to Cite

Ameen Ali Alhaznawi. (2016). EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING MATH TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 2(9). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/418