Ultrasonic Sensor, RF Module, Arm Processor, Line Follower Technique, RFIDAbstract
The main intention of our nation is to make an environment and pollution free society. Improper garbage clearance makes great pollution in the atmospheres which are dangerous to the living organisms. Recent technologies becoming more helpful for the humans just the same our proposed system handle the garbage clearance in the great way. This system named Garbage monitoring and clearance using robots has an ultrasonic sensor attached with the bin lid shares the garbage level as data to the robot which it tracks the bin by line follower technique and identify the filled bin through RFID scanning then dispose the garbage from that bin. Moving Smart dustbin is a new idea that can manage the wastes in the smart cities. In this, the ordinary dustbin is made smart by using sensor systems. The obstacles are find using Ultrasonic sensor, load sensor is used to measure the weight of the garbage, smell sensor is used to detect the unpleasant odor, level of the dustbin can be detect using Infrared sensor and this sensor helps the dustbin to move in the predefined path. The status of the dustbin is updated using Liquid Crystal Display for the users. As soon as the level detector is high, the dustbin will automatically move in the predefined path to reach the main garbage area with the help of line follower robot and empties the dustbin by dumping the waste in garbage area. In this moving smart dustbin, Strain Gauge load cell is used, which converts strain into the electrical signal. The power generated from the wastes are given to the sensors, which are used in the smart dustbin. This system is designed based on IOT, so the messages regarding dustbin will be sent to the corporation.
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