
  • Tamanna Singh




Gandhi, Equity, Social Justice, Trusteeship, Constructive Programme, Non-Violence


This article investigates MK Gandhi’s philosophical odyssey, delineating the convergence of his ideologies with a focus on equity and social justice. It scrutinizes the transformative trajectory of Gandhi's beliefs, charting their evolution from his formative years in South Africa to his leadership during India's struggle for independence. The analysis encompasses Gandhi's commitment to nonviolent resistance as a means to foster equity and social justice, examining the amalgamation of these principles in his advocacy for societal change. Additionally, this article explores the contemporary relevance of Gandhi's philosophical evolution, illuminating its influence on current discourses surrounding equity and social justice. It examines Gandhi's steadfast commitment to equity and social justice, tracing the development of his principles and their application in his strategies of nonviolent resistance. This paper scrutinizes the pivotal role of Gandhi’s philosophical evolution in shaping movements for equality and social justice worldwide, elucidating the enduring relevance and impact of his teachings in contemporary societal frameworks. By dissecting Gandhi’s philosophical journey, this article aims to provide insights into the enduring impact of his principles on fostering a more just and equitable society.


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How to Cite

Tamanna Singh. (2024). POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF MK GANDHI: EXPLORING EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 10(6). https://doi.org/10.21276/IERJ24035079117280