
  • Prof (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Singh Head, P.G. Department of Commerce and Business Management, V.K.S. University, Ara
  • Mrs. Pooja Pandey Research Scholar, P. G. Department of Commerce and Business Management, V.K.S. University, Ara


Attitude, Teaching Approaches, Student Learning Outcomes, Success, Psychological Orientations


The impact of teacher's attitudes and their teaching methodologies on student learning is a pivotal point in educational research. This study may highlight the relationship between teachers’ attitudes, teaching methodologies and their profound influence on students' learning outcomes.

Attitude is a composite psychological state. It is characterized by the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural disposition of an individual towards an object, entity, or individual. It spans the spectrum of such individual sentiments, from positivity to negativity, and represents a persistent inclination to display corresponding favourable or unfavourable feelings and behaviour.

In a contemporary landscape where an empowered, engaged, and harmonious learning environment is fundamental to educational success, the psychological orientations of teachers play a significant role in shaping classroom dynamics, impacting students' reactions, participation, engagement, learning outcomes, and overall educational achievement. By examining the dynamics of teachers’ attitudes and approaches, this research underscores why effective management of these aspects within educational settings is needed. It recognizes that positive teacher attitudes correlate with enhanced student engagement, academic performance, and overall learning outcomes.


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XXI. "Motivating and Inspiring Teachers: The Educational Leader's Guide for Building Staff Morale" by Dr. Vibha Mathur

XXII. "Teaching with Heart: Stories of Inspiration and Motivation for Teachers" by Dr. Anupama Garg

XXIII. "Teacher Empowerment: A Roadmap for Strengthening Professional Practice" by Dr. Meenakshi Sood

XXIV. "The Motivated Teacher: Inspiring and Engaging Strategies for Effective Teaching" by Dr. Ritu Verma

XXV. "Empowering Educators: Strategies for Promoting Teacher Motivation and Well-being" by Dr. Deepa Singh

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How to Cite

Prof (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Singh, & Mrs. Pooja Pandey. (2023). THE IMPACT OF TEACHER’S ATTITUDE AND TEACHING APPROACHES ON STUDENT’S LEARNING OUTCOME: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 9(7). Retrieved from