Ethnomedicine, Bruhata Gokshura (Pedalium murex Linn.), TherapeuticsAbstract
Background: Ethnomedicine generally refers to the study of traditional medicine practiced by different ethnic groups for the prevention and treatment of disease. Bruhata Gokshura (Pedalium murex Linn.), a plant that belongs to the Pedaliaceae family. Traditionally Bruhata Gokshura is used as a medicine for various diseases in India. Material & Method: Available books were used to gather information about Bruhata Gokshura. This review also referenced online articles and websites. Observation & Result: Citing various books and the articles add detail to Bruhata Gokshura's wide range of treatments. Discussion: Bruhata Gokshura has wide range of therapeutic application such as in Urinary disturbance (Mutrakrichha), Ashmari, Vandhyatva, Shukrala, Kasa, Shwasa, Udara, Atisara, Pravahika, Shwetapradara, Diabetes, veneral diseases like Gonorrhea, etc. But it has remained clinically very less explored. Conclusion: Based on this current review study, it can be concluded that more such drugs used by tribal groups can be studied and can be beneficial to other people if scientifically proven.
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