Lichenplanus, Kitibhakuṣṭha, Dūṣīviṣa, Mithyāhāra VihāraAbstract
Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory T cell mediated immune disease frequently affecting skin. The prevalence of this disease is more in the society nowadays. The unwholesome habits in food, increased use of drugs, immunity related factors, trauma, food allergies etc may be the etiological factors. . Ayurveda is corelating Lichen planus to kitibha kuṣṭha, in which kuṣṭha is a wide term using for skin diseases. This case study is dealing with the concept and effective management of lichen planus from the purview of ayurveda . A 30 year old female with severe itching and flat topped purplish black popular lesions almost all over the body except face was well managed with ayurvedic treatment protocol.
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