
  • Ms. C. Soundarya Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy.
  • Ms. B. Nalini Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy.


Employer Branding, Crisis, Strategy, Perception


The modern technology and the present generation employees pose a great challenge in these days for any business. The study of Employer branding is gaining much attention due to this. The study helps to explore the role of Employer Branding in the events of crisis. Every organization has to face and come across the situation of crisis at any one stage of it’s existence. Crisis Management is very much essential for the smooth function of a business. The study also discuss the significance of Employer Branding in today’s context. Due to the changes in the perception of the employees, the implementation of Employer Branding strategies has become a mandatory one. The study also explains how to refine and rebuild the strategies of Employer Branding in an effective way to navigate the situations of crisis. A strong Employer Brand is a vital tool to win the race of the day. Every organization must try to understand and analyze the various components of the Employer Brand to ensure the long term success of the firm The study also offers valuable insights for business to fortify the Employer Branding strategies while enhancing their preparedness for crisis management in a high unpredictable world.


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How to Cite

Ms. C. Soundarya, & Ms. B. Nalini. (2023). EMPLOYER BRANDING AS A TOOL FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 9(11). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/3164