
  • Dr. B. NAGARJUNA Professor, School of Commerce and Management, MB University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
  • DR.K.RAJENDRA PRASAD Resource Person, Financial Education, Securities & Exchange Board of India


Career planning, Career Management, Career Development, Management, Profile Factors, Academic Factors


Career management may be viewed as a lifelong process of planning, selecting, and creating techniques to achieve goals. Career management is the ongoing process of analyzing, executing, and monitoring a person's objectives and actions. Employers are constantly on the search for qualified candidates who can adapt to new business trends and contribute to the company's success. In the domain of management education, there has been relatively limited research on topics such as career planning, management, and development. There has never been adequate research done to identify critical aspects impacting career planning and management, such as teacher profile features and academic variables. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and evaluate the influence of management teachers' profiles and academic aspects on their career planning, management, and development.


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