
  • J. M. Kihiko Karatina University, Kenya
  • Shaikh Mohd. Azhar Sir Sayyed College, Aurangabad, India (M.S.)
  • Samuel Rotich Moi University, Kenya
  • Aggrey Mukoya Karatina University, Kenya.


Optical lenses, maximum focal point, focal length, Arduino, GY-302 BH1750 Optical sensor, KY-008 Laser Module


A lens is an optical device which is mainly used to converge or diverges an incident light ray along the principal axis. Convex lens converges light rays to the focal point, a single point where maximum light energy concentrate. Determination the focal length of a lens is a very interesting activity in lens manufacturing industries as well as education institutions. There are several ways of determining focal length of a lens. The proposed technique is more superior to existing methods as it does not work on approximation. This work presents a technique that uses optical sensor for determining the focal length of a test lens by measuring the maximum light energy point. Determining the distance between the centre of the diverging lens and focal point gives the focal length of a test lens. The optical sensor has been used as an optical device to measure the maximum energy point. This method is novel and useful in the measurement of the focal length of a divergence lens.


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How to Cite

J. M. Kihiko, Shaikh Mohd. Azhar, Samuel Rotich, & Aggrey Mukoya. (2023). DETERMINITION OF FOCAL LENGTH OF DIVERGING LENSES USING CONVEX LENSES BASED ON OPTICAL SENSOR. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 9(5). Retrieved from