
  • Farukh Ahmed Mulani Assistant Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Mathematics, GES Arts Commerce and Science College Jawhar.


Fractional Calculus, Sink-Fractional Derivative, Electrical spectroscopy impedance, Newtonian Mechanics, Hexapod Robot, Definition taken from the Books


Mainly due to its powerful applications in diverse and large fields of engineering and science, fractional calculus became important mathematical system during the past six decades, in several research papers and review articles has been published on many tremendous results. Many results and concepts are to be discovered. In this perspective, this review paper shows the use and demonstration of Fractional Calculus in the area of Signal Processing, Engineering, Electronic circuit analysis, Physics, Mechanics, Biology. I hope this significant information will guide researchers and young generation to see some of the applications. This collection of reviews will provide useful information to our community.


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How to Cite

Farukh Ahmed Mulani. (2023). REVIEW ON VARIOUS APPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS IN SCIENCE. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 9(5). Retrieved from