
  • PUNJABI HARSHA MANOJKUMAR Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Commerce, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad


Financial Reporting, IFRS, IND AS, ICAI


The language of accounting is one that is used in business to communicate an entity's financial performance. Accounting for the business entity enables the tracking of all of its financial activities as well as the measuring of its existing and potential future growth. The Institute of Chartered Accountants, a professional organisation, has been playing an increasingly significant role in monitoring the situation in India. The Institute is tasked with not only developing accounting standards but also with implementing revisions as often as is sensible. In a similar vein, the International Financial Reporting Standards Board (IFRSB) is engaged in setting the standards to establish the Universal language to the accounting that can be adopted and accepted throughout the world and in every country. These principles seek to provide a common language that accountants worldwide can utilise. In the analysis that follows, an effort is made to assess the impact that the adoption of IND AS had on the financial metrics of various Indian enterprises. This study's goal is to ascertain how big of a change or impact the adoption or implementation of IND AS has had on Indian enterprises.


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How to Cite

PUNJABI HARSHA MANOJKUMAR. (2022). A STUDY ON IMPACT OF ADOPTION OF IND-AS ON SELECTED INDIAN COMPANIES. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 8(9). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/2568