Online Shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Services, Retail Companies, Financial BenefitAbstract
Customer attraction and satisfaction are both heavily influenced by online buying. In today's technology environment, most businesses employ online purchasing to please clients while also recruiting new ones. The impact of internet shopping on improving customer satisfaction in retail enterprises is the subject of this study report. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of online purchasing on the retail industry. Aside from this goal, the study paper also includes some additional objectives, such as determining client satisfaction with retail company items and services. The study also sought to determine the influence of internet purchasing on improving customer satisfaction in retail businesses. The researcher conducted the study using positivist principle, descriptive design, deductive research strategy, and primary data gathering method. According to the findings of the study, internet shopping assists firms in increasing their commercial opportunities as well as increasing consumer happiness in the workplace. The study also revealed that online shopping has a variety of consequences on an organization's company, and based on the findings, it can be concluded that online shopping helps an organisation build its business, resulting in more financial benefits in the long run.
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