celebrity culture, social networking sites, interactivity, online identity, micro-blogging, public perceptionAbstract
Social media, most notably, opened its users to create and share content; connecting them in ways never before imagined. But it would also be unfair not to acknowledge the fact that the individual did not have a ‘voice’ while consuming the ‘traditional’ media. The internet, by offering a ‘voice to every user’ thus became a marked departure from its traditional counterparts.
This study investigates the creation of identity by micro-bloggers on social networking sites. It also examines whether there is an an interplay between celebrities and online identity creation as a deliberative and sustained communicative. Offline identity of celebrities can be observed in several ways and through several dimensions. This study makes an attempt explore the different ways and deliberate efforts of communication that individuals and celebrities make to create an online identity and whether the online and offline identities synchronize and meet at any point. The frequency and output of tweets were analyzed for understanding the celebrity culture of famous personalities and brands.
It was inferred that identity was a process and not a product. The creative ways in which users are embracing the medium in totally new ways was observed. Moreover, it was also observed that celebrities used twitter to create and enhance their offline identity on this platform. It was also seen that the concept of ‘celebrity and celebrity culture’ too has undergone radical shift in its definition when considering the online space.
In conclusion, the results clearly suggest that online identity is, if not more, but equally expressive of the individual’s offline identity.
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