
  • Anto Ramya. S. I Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science for Women, Hosur, India - 635126.


MANET, Clustering, TACA, Cluster heads, Mobility, Battery Power


A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), also called a Mobile Mesh Network, is a self – configuring network of mobile devices connected by wireless links. Unlike Traditional Mobile Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc Networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. The researches on various issues in Mobile ad hoc networks are
becoming popular because of its challenging nature and all time connectivity to communicate. This paper discusses about Topology Adaptive Clustering Algorithm (TACA) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Two major node parameters like its mobility and available battery power are considered for the node suitability as cluster head. This results into faster cluster set up time. Non – volunteer cluster heads are selected locally as and when required. This improves the network life time and reduces the maintenance over head. This paper discusses about various protocols which govern communication in an infrastructure-less Mobile Ad Hoc Network. It introduces the topic of clustering and the various protocols involved with clustering in order to establish communication.


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How to Cite

Anto Ramya. S. I. (2016). TOPOLOGY ADAPTIVE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR MANET. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 2(4). Retrieved from