
  • Sujata Sengupta Department of Chemistry, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
  • Shivani Singh Department of Chemistry, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
  • Sharda Mahilkar Sonkar Department of Chemistry, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
  • Anand Sonkar Department of Botany, Hans Raj College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
  • Nandini Kapoor Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007, India
  • Garima Tomar Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007, India
  • Shweta Gaur Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007, India
  • Aditi Bajaj Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007, India


Human beings have always been fascinated with the chemistry of fragrances. Since the earliest of times, man has always been interested in imitating nature’s pleasant smells, to find methods to mask or augment their own body odour through the application of perfumes. Traditionally, perfumes comprise of a blend of natural components which together affords the unique pleasant odour. Modern day perfumery is a fusion of art, science and technology, with chemistry as the central science. Majority of the perfumes used today are based on the application of synthetic aroma bearing molecules made available by advances in synthetic organic chemistry. However, with the recent revival in popularity of the use of natural ingredients in cosmeceuticals, this review aims to re-look the chemistry of essential oils and its role as a natural source of fragrance. Development in methods of isolation and extraction of the natural odour bearing compounds are key factors responsible for the growth and development of the perfume industry.


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How to Cite

Sujata Sengupta, Shivani Singh, Sharda Mahilkar Sonkar, Anand Sonkar, Nandini Kapoor, Garima Tomar, Shweta Gaur, & Aditi Bajaj. (2021). THE CHEMISTRY OF ESSENTIAL OIL AND ITS ROLE AS NATURAL FRAGRANCES IN PERFUMES . International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(11). Retrieved from