
  • Akanksha Shukla Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Prof. Anjali Bajpai Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Concept Cartoons, Teaching Strategy, Social Science


If there any colorful picture, image, cartoon, or simple sketch are printed or presented in our boring textbooks or during a boring lecture. Immediately we all become more attentive with enhanced interest and curiosity level towards those particular concepts. When we remember the characters’ names in our childhood days comic books’ then their actions and statements come into the mind in the visual form spontaneously, which helps us to recall the scene and content for a long time. Students desire to become doctors, engineers, teachers, scientists, musicians, players, actors, politicians, fashion designers and journalists etc. whatever they wish to be in their future, they must know that their chosen professions will have to serve the society’s needs as they are the units of it and they have to interact with each and every unit of the society for their own survival too. For this purpose, Social science subject becomes so much crucial that it has been included right from the primary level to secondary level. For establishing a country’s strong foundation upon democratic values like fraternity, liberty, equality and justice, it is indispensable for teaching-learning process to make aware it’s students of political, economical, social, historical and cultural issues. Undoubtedly there is dire need of innovative strategies for teaching Social Science and recently concept cartoons have been proven very effective as teaching strategy in various subjects. In this article, we have to explore the possible outlines of some important dimensions of Social science subject where concept cartoons can be used as teaching strategy.


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How to Cite

Akanksha Shukla, & Prof. Anjali Bajpai. (2021). THE USE OF CONCEPT CARTOONS AS A TEACHING STRATEGY: A THEORETICAL STUDY IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(10). Retrieved from