
  • Dr. Ajay Kumar Swain O.E. S-II, Senior Teacher Educator, DIET, Cuttack, Narasinghpur, Odisha,


Effect, Activity, Achievement, vocabulary, Investigator, Pre-test, Post-test and English


This paper reflects the problems of Elementary School students pertinent to learning second language ‘English’. Basically, they face the problems on reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. So the researchers selected a topic of class-V text book prepared by TE and SCERT, School & Mass Education department, Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar. It is meant for acquiring skills of reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing. Objectives of the study were to develop innovative teaching learning strategies to enhance the learning competencies of learners, to select appropriate methods, techniques and teaching learning materials for effective class room transaction and to study the impact of the administered strategies on achievement of the learners. For this experiment, 50 students of class-V were selected. It was a single group pre-test and post-test design. Pre-achievement test, post-achievement test, work sheets and observation schedules were used as tools. Intervention was extended for a period of one month. Various techniques like Brain Storming, Visual Memory Development, Chain Drill and TPR were used in the activities during intervention programme. The activities like fill in the blanks, dialogue practice, demonstration on pronunciation, word chains, cross-word puzzle, sentence writing from diagram etc were undertaken. Here   ‘t’ test was used to analyze and interpret the collected data. It was found that there was significant difference as the level of significance was 0.01. Thus the intervention activities were effective.         


I. Rajimwale, S (2009), Elements of General Linguistics, Rama brothers India pvt. Limited, New Delhi.

II. Sachedev, M. S (2011), Teaching of English, Tandon publications, Ludhiana.

III. Mohan, R (2013), Teacher Education,PHI Learning pvt. Limited, Delhi, 2013.

IV. Kothari, C.Reacher Methodology, 2nd Edition, the New Age International (P) .

a. Limited, New Delhi,2004.

V. National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, 1997-98, Innovative Experiments and Practices in Elementary Teacher Education.

VI. Dr. M. Kundu, “Teaching English to Rural Learners: The use of Blackboard Text”.National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi , 1998-99.

VII. Dr. K Behera “Communicative Approach to Teach Content Words, Structure to the Students of Upper Primary Classes”.

VIII. NCERT, New Delhi, “The Primary Teacher” Volume. XXXIV Number 2, April 2009.

IX. Oxford Teachers’ Resource Book, Advance Material, 2013, OUP, 2013.

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How to Cite

Dr. Ajay Kumar Swain. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF METHODS AND TECHNIQUES ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN ENGLISH AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(10). Retrieved from https://ierj.in/journal/index.php/ierj/article/view/2357