In the Constitution of India, Article 45 (a) has guaranteed Education as a Fundamental Right for each citizen. For this, the Government of India has been taking steps to equalize educational opportunities to its entire people since independence. In this process, efforts have been taken to overcome regional imbalances in the form of provisions for extra educational facilities to the under developed regions, socially, culturally and economically disadvantages groups like OBC, SC and ST. To magnitude has made to set right the asymmetries in equalization of educational chances to all the citizens of India. Still there are areas where much work should be done to promote the concept of equalization of educational opportunities to air. In this respect, it is apt to think of the concept inclusive education to the excluded groups such as children in school education and students in higher education with different disabilities In our educational system either at school or college level, one can find students with physical disabilities such as visual, hearing, motor handicap and intellectually abled/disabled (i.e., gifted or talented, mild and moderate intellectually handicapped apart from students with slow learning), students with specific learning difficulties and behaviour disorders. These are the students who experience difficulties in learning, socialization and maintaining interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships with their teachers, parents, peers and community.
The existing educational system must accommodate such students' needs, abilities and accordingly the physical, psychological and learning environments should be modified for the healthy development of these individuals. In other sense, providing facilitative barrier free environment i.e., better access to physical facilities for these students, providing facilitative teaching learning environment keeping in mind their disabilities, supportive systems for effective integration of these students with normal population, making suitable changes in examination and evaluation systems are the need of the hour for better inclusive education, either at school or college level.
I. Special Needs within Classroom: A Guide to Teacher Education. UNESCO, London
II. Towards inclusive education. Times Educational Supplement, Nov. 1996
III. Cognitive strategies for special education-process based instruction Routledge, London and New York.
IV. Understanding inclusion in a competitive system. In T Booth and M. Ainscow (Eds). International Voice for Inclusion of Education, Routledge, London
V. Cognitive behavioural modification and metacognitive development Implication for the classroom
VI. Cognitive behavioural interventions Theory research and procedures. New York, Academic Press
VII. Education of children with special needs. Discovery Publishers, New Delhi.
VIII. Learning disabilities: A practical guide to practitioners. Discovery Publishers, New Delhi.
IX. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies to overcome language learning difficulties. Journal of Indian Education, Nov. 2003.
X. Thinking and Constructivism: Approaches in the classroom. University News, 41, No. 17, May.
XI. Language disorders and treatment strategies: Practical guide for teachers. Discovery Publishers, New Delhi.
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