
  • Dr. S. K. Tripathy Regional Director, IGNOU, Regional Centre, C-1, Institutional Area, Bhubaneswar-751013


Job-satisfaction is an essential element for a successful career of a professional. In every profession proper training and orientation is given to the employees/professionals for deriving ample amount of job satisfaction. It is observed that if a man/women is not satisfied with his/her job, it is very difficult to carry on his / her duties honestly and efficiently. Job satisfaction portrays the perception of the person towards his/her job, related activities and environment. It is determined by how well the result of the job meets the expectation of the person. In teaching, job satisfaction plays a crucial role and it is the teacher who is responsible mainly for the success of the institution. Lack of job satisfaction among the teachers will certainly destroy the educational framework of the institution. It is observed by experts that there are good number of teachers with tremendous amount of teaching aptitude. The performance level of these teachers is found to be superb. It is therefore all the more important to investigate as to whether there is any impact of teaching aptitude in deriving job satisfaction among the teachers. Since secondary school stage is the most important stage in which majority of the students are in the formative stage of their life, the researcher focused his study on the teachers of this stage.


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How to Cite

Dr. S. K. Tripathy. (2021). IMPACT OF TEACHING APTITUDE ON JOB SATISFACTION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(6). Retrieved from