Delayed Speech, Electronic Gadgets, Smart Phone, Nuclear Family, ToddlerAbstract
Increase incidence of delayed speech and derange neurodevelopment among toddler which is observed, associated with recent change in life style, urbanization, nuclear family and use of electronic gadgets like Smart Phone, Tablets and Laptops.
The children between 6 months to 2.5 years spent time using electronic gadgets and they were to experience speech delay.
Many disorders like Mental Retardation, Hearing Loss, Psychosocial Deprivation, Autism, Elective Mutism may be the cause of delayed speech. Physicians will make prompt diagnosis from History, Physical examination and performing Investigation. This early, timely detection and intervention will improve the outcome.[1]
20% percent of the children spent on average 28 minutes a day using screen, the study found every 30 minutes increase in daily screen time was linked to as 49% increase risk of expressive speech delay.[2]
To estimate the incidence of delayed speech associated with electronic gadgets among the children attending out Patient Department of Pediatrician in WEST BENGAL.
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