
  • Hua Li School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, CHINA
  • Yadong Zhang School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, CHINA


Online course-design, pharmaceutical separation engineering, modern information technology, rain class


Aim: This study aims to introduce a new online teaching design of pharmaceutical separation engineering under the condition of novel coronavirus epidemic how to make full use of the modern information technology to ensure the normal teaching activities according to the notice of Ministry of education and the provincial education department on the postpone the start of school and "stop classes and without stop learning". Materials and Methods: the online teaching mode of "rain class + Tencent conference + MOOC" were adopted and discussed. In classroom, the form of teaching design "objective – introduction – concept/principle/knowledge – case / example – application – summary" were adopted. Results: On the basis of expanding college students’ professional knowledge and disciplinary knowledge, the new online teaching design, can promote students' positive thinking, turn passive learning into active learning, cultivate students' innovation ability and make them form a correct world view and cognition view. Conclusion: This method is really student-centered and provides necessary information for teachers to improve the teaching of courses at any time. The paper also provides references for both online course-design practices and future research on the design and practice of “ideological and political elements” in the online teaching of general education courses.


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How to Cite

Hua Li, & Yadong Zhang. (2021). ONLINE COURSE-DESIGN AND PRACTICE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SEPARATION ENGINEERING. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 7(2). Retrieved from

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