Dolphinfish, LWRs, Coryphaena hippurus, C, equiselis, Kochi, KeralaAbstract
This study reports the length-weight relationships of two dolphinfish species, namely Coryphaena hippurus (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. equiselis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the south-eastern Arabian Sea. Specimens in various length groups belonging to both the species were collected between April 2012 and May 2017 from Kerala waters, south-west coast of India. The fishes were caught by hook and line (hook no: VI-X) and drift gill net (mesh size: 90-160 mm). The length-weight relationships were established as TW = 0.0217FL2.786 (r2= 0.967) for C. hippurus and TW = 0.0183FL2.891 (r2=0.993) for C. equiselis.
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