Online learning, global higher education, COVID-19 pandemic, Technology for learningAbstract
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, online learning quickly emerged as the go-to choice for global higher education institutions to continue instruction. Technology and education must work together to secure the future for students and a global society. Higher education in the 21st century is knowledge-based; learning is critical as resiliency continually becomes essential for survival during the pandemic. Educators have historically been dispensers of information; however, in today's technology-driven framework the exact opposite is true--educators must become facilitators of knowledge. The need for changing traditional approaches to higher education from reactionary approaches and the acquisition of short-term skills to proactive programs driven by online learning are of paramount importance as educational institutions prepare students for the 21st century. In the current scenario of COVID-19 the mandate is to provide quality education through appropriate online learning. Online learning in the face of global shocks such as the COVID-19 remains the only way to ensure continuous learning.
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