KD(Kawasaki Disease), IKD(Incomplete Kawasaki Disease), BCG Scar, COVID 19, IVIG, AspirinAbstract
Kawasaki disease is an acute vasculitis of childhood. The disease was described in Japan in 1967 by Dr. Tomasaku Kawasaki(1).
The etiology of KD remains unknown despite extensive research. Many of the clinical features resemble with childhood exanthematous infection with fever lead to the investigation of many infectious agent as etiological factor of Kawasaki Disease. It is observed that the ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic is associated with an increase incidence of Kawasaki Disease. At the end of April 2020 and the begining of may 2020 we identified a higher number of Kawasaki disease cases, some of them with BCGitis that was related to Covid 19 Epidemic in West Bengal ,starting 4 to 6 week of the disease. Similar observation was also reported from different part the World including India. Interpretation of my observation suggest that Human Corona Virus would be related to KD/IKD and that may thrown light to the treatment of Covid 19 disease at least in Pediatric population.
Aim of Study: The aim of this study is along with increase incidence of KD/IKD with BCG Scar reactivation ,What are the relation of pathophysiological process and treatment of both the condition. I retrospectively considered the patient attended at my OPD since July 2019 to July 2020. The Patient diagnosed as KD/IKD before the epidemic and during this period are compared. It is found that the incidence of KD/IKD increase during Covid 19 Pandemic situation. The child who were diagnosed as the KD/IKD, referred to Pediatric Hospital for better management.
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